Eine Privatperson hat in der Eichwaldstraße im Frankfurter Nordend einen sanierten Altbau mit freiem Penthaus gekauft. Das Objekt liegt in beliebter Wohnlage, verfügt über 14 Wohneinheiten und 837 qm Nutzfläche. ...
Explore the neighborhoods of Bornheim, Bockenheim, Sachsenhausen, Nordend, and Westend. You will be amazed and pleasantly surprised at all the old architecture that is here in Frankfurt, a city that according to many guide books "was ...
Explore the neighborhoods of Bornheim, Bockenheim, Sachsenhausen, Nordend, and Westend. You will be amazed and pleasantly surprised at all the old architecture that is here in Frankfurt, a city that according to many guide books "was ...